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Winning the confidence of customers with Downflow Anaerobic Carrier System DACS®

Aqana’s technology makes the purification of wastewater a sustainable process. With the DACS® treatment, a relatively large amount of biomass is held inside of the carriers within the anaerobic system – resulting in the effective conversion of the organic material in the wastewater into biogas.

DACS® eliminates the expensive necessity of granular sludge and by that manages to provide a reliable anaerobic system that guarantees continuous operation regardless of changes in flow and organic load. Thanks to this innovation the retention of the biomass is no longer limited by the flow velocity inside the reactor!

Aqana DACS® works efficiently with other wastewater treatment configurations.

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DACS® Box: reliability and cost-efficiency of Aqana DACS® in a unique containerized concept.

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