Aerobic treatment

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What is aerobic wastewater treatment?

Aerobic wastewater treatment is a process that uses aerobic bacteria to break down the organic matter present in the wastewater.

Aqana team of experts is capable of delivering custom-made Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) technology suitable for industrial applications. In MBBR technology, the aerobic biomass is housed in a plastic carrier. The aerobic bacteria use oxygen dissolved in wastewater to break down the organic matter. The aerobic bacteria break down the organic matter into carbon dioxide and water.

What are the advantages of the aerobic treatment of industrial effluents?

Aerobic wastewater treatment systems are relatively simple to design and operate, and they can be used for a variety of effluents, both municipal and industrial.

Although the applicability of the aerobic treatment is not economically feasible above a certain level of organic contamination levels, for many regions and their environmental standards application of only anaerobic treatment won’t be enough to reach strict discharge levels of the organic contamination and nutrient levels in the effluent. Therefore, the aerobic treatment step is usually present after the anaerobic step, as a wastewater polishing step.

Depending on the application a large variety of activated sludge-based aerobic technologies can be adopted for your specific case, ask Aqana for the best aerobic treatment for your situation.

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